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Our volunteers in Sunny Hill

We are coordinating organisation for ESC volunteers in Sunny Hill, an ecoproject, part of GEN Ecovillage Network located in Istria and here are testimonials of our participants. Here are testimonials of volunteers we had sent there: 

Our volunteers in Sunny Hill


Miriam Darras: 

I had never felt so awake in my life. Waking up with the sun, working outside and resting when the sun was down. I felt like I entered a cycle that finally felt right. I was somewhat aware of how enriching it feels, but having this for three months was quite eye opening. I could finally experience what it’s like being outside so much, having so much fresh air and fresh food. I could finally learn what I wish I’d known. Things I wouldn’t understand through books. Everywhere in nature I found mystical things. Like two white butterflies fondling through the greens flying higher and higher, soon disappearing in the white clouds. Or three deers appearing out of the bushes. Cabbage leafs turning pink, purple and blue. Or the echo of a beautiful bird. Sometimes these little things amazed me so much and I couldn’t get enough of them. I’m very glad and grateful I found Sunny Hill, for it is definitely steering me towards the right direction. I hope someday, I get to create something similar.

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