2023 Spring Teams
Our time at Domačija Mokovec has transformed from initial tuning into a harmonious community of 12 individuals and 2 dogs from 7 different countries. Now, it feels like we’re finally playing our first compositions together, working side by side in the garden, forest, kitchen, construction and helping elders in the local community and other permacultural farms.
Daily Rhythm
Each day starts at 7:30 AM with optional meditation, followed by breakfast and a quick check-in meeting. We align our intentions for the day and decide on tasks, fostering a supportive atmosphere. At noon, we gather for a lunch break filled with deep conversations, recharging us for an afternoon of work until around 3:00 or 4:00 PM.
Evenings are for dinner and a free space where anyone can suggest shared activities or enjoy personal time. It’s inspiring to witness how our community thrives on respect and kindness, where work flows organically and joyfully.
Community living here is enriched by workshops where everyone can share their knowledge, enhancing our collective experience. I feel incredibly fortunate to learn from nature and each other in such a nurturing environment.
Together, we are not just volunteers; we’re part of a vibrant community, ready to see what we will create next.
of the participants and a representative of local community
Mari/Trefle, France
My experience at Mokovec Farm will always be in my heart. I knew I wanted to live in a community, but this experience reinforced that desire. I felt supported in my initiatives as well as when I was vulnerable, and I still feel that even though I'm no longer there. I was able to connect with the group in so many different ways: by singing around the wood fire or in the yurt, through my body by dancing together, through touch from the very first days thanks to the workshop organized by Prija, or during the massage sessions, through the sweat of my brow during the daily work and through the words we gave each other during check-in, sharing circle and all the discussions under the sky full of stars.
This place confirms what I'm fighting for today and gives me hope for the future I want to be part of : a sustainable world where humans are connected and part of all living beings and where living in basic conditions rhymes with abundant food, laughter and quality time together.
Séverin, France
I have just spent 6 weeks in Mokovec for our group volunteering project! First thing I want to stay is that I will need some time to absorb everything that happened here. I came for helping a farm and learning about permaculture, but I actually opened a door to a whole new world of human interaction, experiencing emotions and sensations, body awareness, connection with nature, interaction with local community… I feel like I am getting out of a 6-week therapy, and that I received from the farm and the other volunteers much more than I gave.
I will for sure never forget this experience, and looking back I know I have learned more about designing my life and concepts like beauty or love, than about gardening in itself. Of course I still learned a lot about permaculture and how a farm can work, also thanks to the week we spent in another farm, what I want to point out is that the project went so much further than this. And I want to sincerely thank the Mokovec family and the 9 other volunteers for that. On a closer to earth level, Slovenia and the region around the farm are simply beautiful, and I will always remember the hikes I made during the week-ends.
Thank you again.
Remi, France
What I take back with me is categorized in three main aspects: I benefit personally in this project of a personal general well being. I've been able to find back a natural path of my body, because I've been out of the stress of city life and of undesired jobs. I've been able to feel safe during the project with the group to share my feelings and to better respect myself, and also to find a better balance between collective and individual time.
I hugely appreciated new experiences such as singing workshops, which was empower me and feeling one with the group and allow me to stay focus in the present moment. The Rebirth workshop allow me to let it go, to feel more comfortable in my body. I also discovered permaculture farming, helping other local initiatives, and learn to be closer to wildlife.
In the group of other young European volunteers, I've learn to step back from my judgement of others, to take care of the others (by sharing experiences), to organize activities and take part to community life tasks, share knowledge and skills. I've also appreciated the group and work structure.
Miran, elder in the local community
Ustvarjamo nov svet, svet samospoznanja in sožitja, premagovanja vseh ovir raznih predsodkov in nesporazumov. Imam to čudovito priložnost te mlade ljudi spoznavati, v njihovem osebnostnem procesu iskanja svoje vloge v tem "čudnem" svetu nekih protislovij in utiranju poti v svoj proces uresničevanja svojih vizij osebnostno vrednega ustvarjanja in življenja. V tem druženju veljajo samo še pravila človeškosti in naravnanost človeka svetovljana. Spoznal sem čudovite mlade osebnosti in obnovil vero v prihodnost s temi ljudmi, saj če bodo ustvarjali svet po ravni svoje zavesti, se nam obetajo časi sožitja v svetovnem merilu. Ta "eksperiment" ima znatno pomembnejšo vlogo, kot je videti na prvi pogled. Vzpodbujajmo to aktivnost in ji dodajmo še nove dimenzije, ki jih lahko zavestno vgradimo. In vsa čast temu opravljenemu delu!