2023 Autumn
I have been absorbing knowledge like a sponge in the last two months, gathering the inspiration and the missing confidence to dream big. Allowing my desires to crystalize, pushed me from a passive dreamy state into taking action. With physical work inner processes also came up. Grounding, self-connection and playfulness, were just some of the stones that I lifted and placed (quite literally with the construction work). I felt still and stable (unlike in the past year). I needed this stop. A quiet and safe place with less movement and input, to evaluate and process.
I'm grateful.
We - that is me, my partner and toddler son, have been visiting various Ecovillages over the past 3 years because we eventually want something like that for ourselves, and it was perfect for our family to connect with this community in Slovenia through all the connections and experience from Prija and Peter. I learnt a lot about gardening, daily life and preserving. It was so different from the life that we live in the Netherlands (city, supermarkets close by and no space for gardening), that I feel like I needed this learning experience in order to make a permanent change for our family.